Monday, June 28, 2010

Training Pause: Lessons Learned

My training has been a little unstructured over the last few weeks due to travel and work schedules. For the past few years, I have focused on being consistent with my training. I have reaped the benefits from this approach, but it is pretty rigid and does not leave a lot of room for other things. I have learned a lot from my training "pause".
  • Take the time to appreciate your surroundings. Instead of going for a run this weekend, I went on a hike that I have been wanting to do for years. It was amazing--wild guava, eucalyptus, bamboo. I was inspired to start incorporating trail running for my upcoming marathon training (Baltimore in October!)
  • I actually do like to train! I met with my training group last week for a structured workout and was nervous that I was not going to like getting back to the grind. I had an awesome time. I really like to swim! I really love my training partners! I am inspired to push myself when I see everyone working hard and supporting each other. I am so lucky.
  • Finding balance. I have always tried to balance my training goals with family committments, work, and other issues. Now I plan to ensure that "fun" is also in that mix. Additionally, I have learned that many of these things are not mutually exclusive.

I attended the Hawaii JDRF gala this weekend and met a lot of great Type 1s doing amazing things. There are a lot for great kids, families and adult diabetics in Hawaii who are living lifestyles that show that there are no limits to what we can do. I was inspired to keep it up, so I better get back into the grind...with a little more fun, flexibility into the mix.

Monday, June 7, 2010

Fun Times in Korea

I haven't checked in lately because I have been in Seoul, Korea for a work trip. I was not sure what to expect because I have not traveled a lot in Asia. Wow, Seoul is a great cosmopolitan city with so much to offer. Korean food is wonderful and the people here are really nice and helpful. It has been such a trip, however, that my training has suffered. I ran a 5K on Memorial day, but since then it has been quick runs from meeting to meeting.

Since I have been gone, many of my training partners raced in the Hawaii 70.3 race. It sounds like it was a hard day. I am proud of their efforts and just wish that I could have been there to watch them cross the finish line.

I'll check in when I get back to Hawaii via Washington, DC. Hopefully by then, I'll be back in the groove.