Sunday, November 14, 2010

Getting on the Training Bandwagon Sans Diet Coke

Holy crap, I quit drinking Diet Coke and gave up all artificial sweeteners this week. Whoa, it's been really easy, but really hard at the same time. I don't really like things with artificial sweeteners, but I thought that they were the best option given the fact that I had the 'betes. I have read and heard anecdotally that artificial sweeteners can actually raise or at least mess with your blood sugars. I decided to see if this was true and took the plunge. I really don't miss anything, but I have been really tired and out of sorts. Hopefully, those feelings are temporary and my sugars are good (or even improved?)

Started to get myself mentally in the game for training for St. George this week. Consistency and strength building is the name of the game for me right now. I feel that I am getting back on the training wagon in good time.

1 comment:

  1. Another reason to give up Diet Coke: all colas are bad for your kidneys. The problem is apparently the phosphoric acid they all contain.
